The Newest Kid Product To Help Lower Screen Time

With a little bit of magic from the team at Budsies, kiddos can create stories, new worlds, and even play out their own memories with their own unique Puppet! Every day can be a new story with endless fun, their custom character Puppet will quickly become their favorite toy and your favorite way to lower their screen-time.

Keeping kids safe online

While new studies have shown there is some positive impact of screen-time for children due to our ever-changing, technology-dominant world, it is still extremely important to have that physical interaction and playtime incorporated into the mix as much as possible. 

If your child is spending hours with their screens, they won’t have as much time to make solid friendships. Think back to the friendships of your youth, those first real friends you made — those initial friendships are some of the most important relationships many of us will have in our lives.

Another important thing to recognize is that screen time can be limited to one child’s focus. By creating interactive activities that are hands-on with your child and with their friends, core social skills and personality traits will start to develop stronger.  

That’s where Budsies comes in! With a little bit of magic from the team at Budsies, kiddos can create stories, new worlds, and even play out their own memories with their own unique Puppet! Every day can be a new story with endless fun, their custom character Puppet will quickly become their favorite toy and your favorite way to lower their screen time. 

Our NEW personalized Puppets are based on the drawing uploaded, original character, or even a photo of a favorite family member, similar to our original Budsies and Selfies plushies. But with our plush Puppets, you can have even more interactive and engaging fun, where the only limit is your child’s imagination.

Whether you’re an author looking to bring something fun and unique on your book tour, a parent looking to get their artistic kiddo a gift they’ll love, a spouse trying to surprise their loved one with something special and different, or a friend trying to win “best present award”, our custom character Puppets and lookalike Puppets are the way to go! 

Budsies Puppets are custom-made to look like a photo of a person or a drawing. They are made with high-quality plush materials, embroidery, and faux furs. They are also half-body puppets with a hollow inside so your hand can easily control the head (Selfies Puppets allow for both head and arm control) 

Start creating new memories today! Order yours at