Get Outside and Enjoy Camping as a Family


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Kids nowadays are raised in the world of beeps and screens. Their time is spent interacting with others online and experiencing ever-improving technology. And this is not a bad thing, as being tech savvy certainly has its benefits. But sometimes the best thing to do is put down the tablet and experience camping outdoors, free of any distractions alongside friends and family.

Where to Stay

family camping There are a number of options when it comes to camping. You can go all out for a camper and have the perfect road trip vehicle — taking in the sights and sounds of the country as you drive to who knows where in search of a family adventure. And then there is the other end of the spectrum with good old tents and sleeping bags. Be sure to research which is right for you, in terms of finances as well as safety for your family.

With tents, you want to make sure you invest in a tent packed with the features you will need on your camping adventure. Do you want a family tent that can fit everyone, or does everyone get their own personal canvas castle? Also, be aware of the weather. A tent meant for summer camping is not fit for overnight cold weather camping.


Next you need to choose a location. Your kids may have a certain place in mind, such as a nice mountain range or some deer-filled woods. Or maybe they want to go to a specific national park. There are countless campgrounds and parks that are perfect for an outdoor family getaway, it is up to you to decide how far you are willing to drive to your destination (down the road or two-day road trip?)

First Aid

A big thing to remember is to always have a hefty First Aid kit! You never know what could happen, and it is better to be medically over prepared than underprepared when you are out enjoying the wilderness! Pack bug bite cream, allergy medicine, Ibuprofen for aches, sunscreen, sunburn relief, band aids, and anything else you may need.

Camping Food

camp food To make your camping trip extra inclusive, allow your kids to pick what is on the menu. Marshmallows are sure to make the list, but be sure to encourage some snack ideas, such as creating your own trail mix. And you can’t have hot dogs every night, so be sure to switch up ingredients and get creative. You are also going to want some no-cook ingredients like peanut butter and jelly as well as some veggies and fruits.

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Outdoor Activities

Sights and sounds of camping are always relaxing and fun, but be sure to bring along some other outdoor activities for your kids to try out while on your family adventure! Bring some jars to catch and release fireflies, or perhaps a notebook to press leaves and flowers and start a nature journal. Flashlights and playing cards are a must: a quick card game can make quick work of a dull moment, and who doesn’t like playing flashlight tag?

All in all, spending some time camping outdoors can be an enriching experience not only for yourself but for your family. Your kids will hopefully gain some appreciation for the outdoors and develop a more adventurous mindset. After all, the family that camps together, grows together!

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