Dolls that look like your Mommy or Daddy

Daddy Doll Budsie Selfie

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Moms and Dads are the most important people in a child’s life. It’s tough for a kid when he or she has to be away from their Mommy or Daddy, especially for a long period of time. Whether it’s because one parent travels for business, their parents are divorced, or a parent serves in our military and is deployed overseas, kids miss their parents while they’re away.

We know nothing can take the place of Mom and Dad when they’re gone, however, Budsies Selfies provide comfort for kids of all ages. These custom stuffed huggable dolls are made to look like Mom or Dad, including features like your glasses, favorite outfit, and small accessories. It gives your child something to hug, talk to you and love while you’re away.

Military Family Loves their ‘daddy doll’ Budsie

military daddy doll
Madison with her Budsies Selfie that she calls her “daddy doll”

Military families have responded so positively to our Budsies Selfies. We have received so many wonderful stories and photos of kids being able to bring their Mom or Dad with them thanks to our custom stuffed dolls.

Sarah said she ordered a Military Selfie of her husband to give to her daughter Madison. Rob, who is a member of the United States Marine Corps, was being deployed and would be away from his family. Madison loves the Selfie and calls it her “daddy doll” and brings it on all kinds of adventures! Sarah said the special doll helped her daughter’s transition when Rob was deployed.

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Madison took what she calls her “daddy doll” Budsie Selfie to movie night

[UPDATE: When your loved one's deployed TAD/TDY, keep them close to your heart with our handmade Deployment Dolls - Learn more here!!]

Madison loves bringing her Selfie “daddy doll” wherever she goes so she can hug it and cuddle with it! She brought it along for a fun movie night with popcorn in the park!

While nothing replaces her Daddy, Madison’s mom says the girl loved having her special doll with her when she went out to eat. Her family was able to still have a family dinner while Rob was deployed.

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Madison takes her special dad lookalike doll out to dinner
military daddy doll
Madison takes her Selfie doll that looks like her dad along for a ride in a stroller.

Madison was even able to strap her Selfie “daddy doll” into her stroller so it could play dolls with her! It looks like Madison had a great time playing dolls with her Dad’s lookalike!

Order Your Own Doll that Looks Like Daddy or Mommy

Thank you to the men and women and to their families who serve in the military. We appreciate all of the sacrifices you make for our country. We hope our mommy and daddy Budsies Selfie dolls can bring comfort to help your family feel emotionally close even if you’re physically apart.

Budsies offers an exclusive discount for Military families. Use the discount code MILITARYFAMILY at check out and receive 10% off your next Military Selfie order.