Gifts Any Mother Would Love on Mother’s Day

mothers day

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Mothers spend most of their time cooking, cleaning, and being superheroes to anyone in need. Being a mother can be a hard and sometimes thankless job. Mother’s Day is the perfect opportunity to go the extra mile and show some appreciation for everything mothers have done.

Here are a few creative gift ideas and activities that are sure to please any mother on Mother’s Day — or any other day of the year!

Give Her a Green Thumb

If mom is a big fan of gardening, or if she would just like a few more plants around the house, then this would be a great gift for her.

This gift, called the “thumbprint pot,” brings personalization to the next level by adding a unique part of yourself to its design — your fingerprint! Dip your fingers in paint and then make a cool design on a flower pot (a clay pot works best for this gift) using your fingers. You can make flowers, faces, spell your name — the only limit is your imagination!

Thumbprint Pot

After letting the paint dry, fill the pot with some soil and plant a seed, making this the gift that keeps on giving as the plant inside continues to grow well after this gift is given.

Recycle Popsicles into Meaningful Frames

There are always those moments at theme parks or family get togethers when mothers insist everyone gathers around for a tad too long to take pictures. While only a fraction of the pictures from a mom’s memory-saturated camera ever see the light of day, those memories are still meaningful and deserve to be presented in a fun way!

For this gift you need popsicle sticks. You can always buy them in a craft store, but it is much more fun to use the sticks left over from eating a box of popsicles.

Using markers, paint, stickers, and whatever else you can think of, put a design on a popsicle frame (make sure it is bigger than the picture you are framing so that you can see the designs!) Remember that this is a gift, be sure to include heartfelt words and memories to make the frame extra special.

Popsicle stick frame giftWhen everything has dried, attach the photo to the frame and wrap for Mother’s Day!

Bring Out Your Mother’s Creative Side

Mothers are the first ones to encourage creativity, and are supportive no matter how a creative endeavor ends up. Why not return the favor and give them a gift that lets them be just as creative?

Adult coloring books have become a huge fad and are a great form of expression and meditation for many adults, with many other benefits as well.

There are so many coloring books to choose from that you should be able to find that special coloring book that makes the perfect Mother’s Day gift. Along with a pack of colored pencils, this gift of self expression is sure to put a smile on any mother’s face!adult coloring book

[UPDATE: We've published our own kids coloring book! Get a free digital copy of Dongler's Dinner Quest (a $24 value!) by downloading it here!]

Good Old Breakfast In Bed

You just can’t go wrong with the classics. Waking your mom up with a tray filled with eggs and pancakes with a glass of orange juice may seem a little cliche, but there is a reason the gesture is so popular.

You can always personalize the gesture. Is your mom into health foods? Try making her a breakfast smoothie with her favorite superfoods. Or maybe make her a stack of waffles, or be a barista for a day and prepare her a Mother’s Day cappuccino.breakfast in bed