Bringing Art to Life: The Monster that went from Canvas to Cuddly

Spotlight: A painting is brought to life, turning a front-yard sign into the hang out spot of a Bumpy-Tailed Monster!

Beware of Log Budsie

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Artists can take inspiration from the most mundane of subjects and turn them into something extraordinary. Drew Somerville is one such artist who saw potential in a sign that read “Beware of Log” in his front yard — transforming the everyday sight into the favorite spot of a green bumpy tailed monster.

Drew painted a picture of the log topped with a “Bumpy Tailed Log Hopper,” an armless monster who clearly does not like to pay attention to the Beware of Log sign. Drew was happy with his monstrous creation, but also wanted to bring the painting to life.

That is when Drew decided to come to Budsies and make his monster a reality. He now has a green stuffed Budsie who, as his name implies, enjoys hopping on logs.

Beware of Log“I was blown away when it showed up,” Drew said. “It was such a weird little drawing and your artists had it balanced out just right so it could stand up on it’s own.”

The creativity does not stop there, however. Drew was inspired by his project and has turned his painting into a series. He wants to paint more monsters and have a Budsie made for each, eventually amassing a collection for a proposed art show in October.

[UPDATE: You can now turn custom artwork into a one-of-a-kind plush! Make your own stuffed animal by clicking here to get started!!]

The art show is not the last stop either. “I would like to maybe use the characters I create in a series of children’s books,” Drew said.

Currently Drew is working out the details of his art show and searching the world for a few more monsters to paint. But it is safe to say that the Bumpy Tailed Log Hopper and his friends have a lot of interesting stories ahead of them.

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