Mom Gives College-Bound Daughter A Gift She’ll Always Remember

Spotlight: Leaving for college can be stressful for students (and parents!) which is why this mom sent a plush version of herself to accompany her daughter to university!

Leaving for college

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custom selfie graduationMany parents wish they could follow their children when they finally leave home and head off to college. Ellen Luchette is one mother who achieved that wish  partially  by sending a plush Selfie of herself along with her college-bound daughter.

“I was thinking of how much I’d miss her when she left,” Ellen said. “So first I thought I’d make a Zoe doll for me. But then I thought – you know – she doesn’t want to admit it, but she’s really going to miss and need me the way I missed and needed my mother in college. So I decided she should take me to college with her.”

A Meaningful College Gift

The Ellen Selfie was wearing distinct earrings and Ellen’s favorite vacation dress that Zoe picked out for her.

Ellen is confident that Zoe is ready to leave the nest and succeed in college, but she said that realization still does not make it easier to say goodbye.

Ellen selfie“I know how it feels to say goodbye to someone I have spent every year with,” Ellen said, speaking of her son Zac, who left home before Zoe. “Most of me will miss her especially because now I will be an empty nester.”

[UPDATE: You can now turn custom artwork into a one-of-a-kind plush! Make your own stuffed animal by clicking here to get started!!]

Ellen said that she may consider getting Zoe and Zac Selfies, hinting that they would be a good Mother’s Day present from her husband.

“I’m proud Zoe is going to college. It’s time to fly … I’m glad she will always carry me with her – with the Selfie!”

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