HomeSpotlightCelebrating Self Love

Celebrating Self Love

We here at Budsies think you are special. We think you are wonderful. We think you are worth celebrating.

There is nobody like you in the world. Imagine that? In a world with over 7 billion people, you are the only one of your kind. That’s absolutely incredible! I think we should all give ourselves a high five!

Budsies Selfie
Courtesy @PrintPros (Twitter)

Celebrate Your Uniqueness

It’s absolutely ok to be different. In fact, it’s what we LOVE about you. We want you to stay true to yourself and stand out! No more standing in the back, no more thinking bad about ourselves, no more comparing ourselves to others! Celebrate your glasses, smile and show off those braces, be proud of your birthmark, embrace your height and weight, love your hair color, and glorify your goofy laugh!

Self Love

With the constant use of social media, it’s now even easier to compare ourselves to others. It’s something everyone struggles with, as we’ve been taught to not steer too far from what society deems normal. But everyone is wonderfully different and that is something to be proud of! 

Today is the day for you choose to celebrate what makes you unique.

Pirate Budsies
Courtesy Black Sam Bellamy (Facebook)

Celebrating Kids’ Differences

It can be especially hard for kids to understand, accept and celebrate their differences. We love hearing stories where children embrace what makes them unique.

Hazel has Parkes Weber Syndrome, which is an extremely rare disorder. It has caused her right leg to be much bigger than her left leg. A family friend wanted to celebrate Hazel’s beauty and ordered a Selfie Budsie to look just like her, including a larger right leg.

Hazel’s mom says her daughter has no idea that she is different in any way. In fact, all of Hazel’s doctor trips are just fun adventures for her right now. Her mom says as Hazel gets older, her Selfie Budsie is going to mean so much to her! “To say we are grateful for this Hazel doll would be an understatement!!”

Selfie Budsie
Courtesy Crystal Rae Silden (Facebook)

It’s also amazing to see when a child celebrates their loved one’s uniqueness! A little girl drew a picture of her baby brother, Ethan, who was born with a cleft lip and cleft palate. Her family had it made into a very special Budsie because the girl wanted him to have it for his surgeries.

Cleft Lip Budsie
Courtesy Sarah Clark Mikez (Facebook)

The Budsie has been to every surgery with Ethan.

Buddy for Child with Cleft Lip
Courtesy Sarah Clark Mikez (Facebook)

Share the Selfie Love

We all need a little reminder sometimes that we are wonderful just as we are. That’s our goal here at Budsies, to help you celebrate yourself and the beautiful people in your life. Cheers to being one-of-a-kind and awesome!

Help us spread the Selfie love and make a more huggable world! Submit your favorite self-portrait, a piece of artwork that means something to you, a picture of yourself doing something you love, or even your favorite selfie. We’ll create a plush version, made with love and support. Get started here.

Self Portrait Budsies
Courtesy @jessicapiel (Instagram)

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Hi! I’m the CMO at Budsies. My days are filled with a mashup of things I love—writing, creating, and building a killer marketing team. I live off a steady diet of donuts and walk a fine line between not enough and too much coffee. I'm a live music junkie and nature is my happy place.

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