A New Children’s Book: The Grump King


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Benjamin Burton is an author who wanted to take his love for telling stories and use it to create children’s book The Grump King. He did not stop there, however. Benjamin decided to self-publish with the ultimate goal of establishing a publishing company so that he could one day help aspiring authors like himself.

Paving the Way for a New Publishing Company

“I had the overall idea for The Grump King a number of years ago, but I never quite felt that the book could be my own if I didn’t illustrate and write it,” Benjamin wrote.

The Grump King is about a town’s perspective of their king, who is thought to be the meanest and grumpiest king around, according to the project’s Kickstarter page. A hermit of a man, the king stays locked up in his castle and refrains from any communication other than yelling. The town and the king both have some learning to do, and things change drastically when a new stranger wanders into town.

the grump king illustrations

The Grump King is about withholding judgement and trying to glean understanding of who a person truly is and what has happened in their past. There is also a lesson of friendship and being there for people who need it the most.

He is bringing his dream book to life — but at the same time Benjamin is creating a publishing company to help out fellow upcoming authors.

“All of us have been influenced by books in countless ways – even if we don’t avidly read on a regular basis. My goal and dream is to give other authors the chance to share their stories with the world by publishing their works, whether they be children’s books or novels,” benjamin wrote.

Benjamin has started a Kickstarter that uses his book as a product to procure backers for his publishing company. Pledge rewards range from a $10 e-book to a $2,000 full package which also includes 100 books to be donated to schools, hospitals and underprivileged families.

the grump king plush

“The decision to write a children’s book was inspired by my love of art, a good story, and childhood,” Benjamin wrote. “I have many fond memories of reading books as a child, and now that I have children of my own, I get to see the joy in their eyes when I read them a bedtime story.”

Benjamin is naming his Publishing company Mount Samuel Publishing after his two sons. If you are interested in backing his publishing company, or you just want a copy of The Grump King (which features a super cool Budsie plush of the Grump King that you can cuddle as you read the story), you can find his Kickstarter here.