Custom Dragon Plushies
Don't just limit your dragon to artwork or the virtual world. Bring them to life as their own plush!
100% unique, custom-made to look like your dragon character art or screenshots.
Detailed, down to the unique features & aesthetic fashion styles.
Hand Made | Fairly Priced | 100% Unique
$159 $129
Need a Speciality Commission for your Dragon Plush?
Every dragon is iconic and distinct - from tiny wrymlings to massive world eaters, majestic wyverns soaring through the sky and dastardly drakes lurking in the dark caverns of the world, they are each unique and detailed.
If you need fine embroidery, extremely fine attenton to details or special crafting materials included in your dragon plush design, you should consider ordering a Speciality Commission instead of our standard Budsies.

Bring Your Dragon to Life
Having a real-world plush version of your favorite dragon is probably one of the coolest things ever… but turning your own custom dragon into a custom dragon stuffed animal is just downright incredible.
Discover what your dragon would look like as a custom plushie and bring the virtual fun into the real world.
Available in 16"/30" & Ships Internationally.
A Unique Gift for Dragon Enthusiasts
Have you been scouring stores for the perfect geeky gift, but can't seem to find the right one? Getting a custom gift is always a sure bet to wow your friends and family.
Celebrate your friend or loved one’s unique love of dragons and give them a gift they’ll treasure forever—Whether it's their take on an existing dragon from tv or fantasy fiction that’s hard to find or their own custom dragon that they designed themselves - It'll be a touching gesture that they'll always remember.

Check Out Our Favorite Dragon Stuffed Animals!
Check Out Our Favorite Dragon Stuffed Animals!
We can turn anything into a custom stuffed animal
Take a look at all of the different types of plushies we've made so far, from children's drawings to book illustrations, and original characters to look-alikes of friends and family. There is no limitation!