Custom Plushies & Pricing

How Much Does a Single Custom Plush Cost?

Budsies offer a unique solution in the customized plush industry. Making perfectly customized products and replicas is not an inexpensive endeavor. Our products are crafted using the finest quality, while still offering our customers the unique opportunity to create their own customized plush with no order minimum and a low cost. Most customized plush toy companies will not offer one customized product without a larger order. Budsies makes it easy for you to own your very own customized plush without all the hassle!

The prices of our custom products reflect the work, quality, and customization that goes into each one.

The Budsies creation process requires hours of hard work, because everything is done by hand, so that we can create a unique stuffed animal or custom gift of your photo, drawing or artwork. 

To get a feel for how much work goes into each plush, here's a video of someone's design being brought to life. 

Best Value in the Industry

It's very rare for a plush manufacturer to offer one offs, and even if they do it costs much more. With most manufacturers you are looking at spending over $500 dollars to get a quality product, and the costs can vary. At Budsies we keep our costs low with our regular character drawings under $150, which is practically unheard of in the industry. Our advanced commissions , which require more skill and higher priced materials, are still affordably priced when compared to other plush commissions worldwide. 

Currently, Budsies is the #1 custom plush creator in the industry and for good reason. One of the best features that Budsies offers our customers is our commitment to fulfil every bulk order with absolutely no minimum ! For brands that are just building their companies this is an amazing opportunity. Many companies will make you order thousands of products for them to even consider your order. Not Budsies! We can handle any amount that you need, from 50 to 10,000! We want to help you build your business and thrive in the industry with a price of custom plush figures and quality that exceeds your expectations.

Emphasis on Customers’ Needs

Taking a quick look at our competitors, a custom plush can go for over $500! And if you are seeking out the help of an independent designer the prices just go up from there, into the thousands. We don’t want you to have to deal with those costs of custom plush products. We know that being a business owner is already expensive as is.

We are deeply committed to being exceptionally communicative and responsive to our customers, which can be difficult with an independent designer. Oftentimes they may not be able to create a consistent customer experience or be prompt with responding to your needs. Budsies is fully dedicated to making your product the best we can provide while also listening to every question and concern you may have during the process. We are always available to talk about your order!

Budsies Custom Plush Services

Carli M. Customer Service Lead


Craftsmanship Counts

We know that your product isn’t just a toy. Toys are mass produced 10,000 to 500,000 at a time. They are expensive and can be impersonal. We specialized in custom plush products that take time and care to create.

The reason that custom plush toys have such a cost attached is multifaceted. There is an intense amount of ideation, conception, and execution that goes into creating a truly specialized product. The craftsmanship that goes into each Budsies item is something that we pride ourselves on. All of our plushies are custom-made by hand and 100% unique to the individual’s drawing, artwork, character or picture.

First, we analyze your image or idea to see what might be the best route to creating the most realistic product we can for you. Then we engage in a brainstorm and idea exchange with a character artist to ensure correct interpretation. We work those visuals into polished illustrations complete with detailed textures and coloring.

After the details have been laid out the design is off to an experienced pattern maker. The pattern maker works the two dimensional drawing into a series of templates to create your customized plush figure. Once the basic template it is onto careful fabric selection to create the perfect aesthetic for your design. Then comes the fun part; we cut, sew, and stuff your plush completely by hand ! This takes an intense dedication to quality that Budsies is known for. From there your design will be inspected carefully to make sure it meets our high expectations of quality and from there we make a djustments and reworks as necessary to achieve optimal cuteness!

The process is fascinating, take a look for yourself as we create the cutest stuffed cupcake you’ve ever seen!

Budsies Commitment

The bottom line is that the effort, expertise, and pure joy we stuff into every customized plush is well worth the cost! We have the lowest in the industry, while still maintaining a level of craft that is unheard of in this line of work. We take pride in making your creations come to life and sending them out into the world. Our easy process, coupled with care and cost efficiency will have your products ready for market with the least amount of work for you!

Looking to develop your customized plush creation? Reach out to us today!